Squatting Days
We would like to invite you to extend the summer in Freiburg and participate in the squatting days, to celebrate the birthdays of the KTS and the InfoShop and to come together for a libertarian outlook.
Freiburg is a small town in the southern part of the black forest, where official maps draw the borders between Switzerland, Germany and France. It is a friendly region between the Rhine nuclear power plants, major economic logistic points and the armament industry of the black forest and which lends itself well to various subversive activities. Moreover, winter does not arrive as quickly as in the rest of the republic. Our squatting days want to focus on housing and gentrification issues, but we find ourselves in times where struggles and resistance can only be effective through an intersectional approach and squats represent only a part of the necessary anti-fascist, feminist and anti-capitalist struggles.
For quite some time now, the same ugly developments have been taking place everywhere: the presence of cops and surveillance is increasing, the freed spaces are reduced or expelled. In the past months, the “die WG” (Create Living Spaces) campaign has managed to make a lot of noise around these issues of the neoliberal city and social exclusion. We want to continue this fight during the days of action.
The KTS, the local autonomous centre, is the last big self-managed space in southern Germany. Creating new spaces is becoming more and more difficult, especially in view of the current political situation. The two squatted houses in Gartenstrasse 19 (since the spring of 2010) are currently threatened with eviction, seven openings since December 2018 have been quickly evicted. Since Kommando Rhino and Sand-im-Getriebe were cleared, there are still no new “Wagenplatz” (see note below) despite a growing need. In addition, the contract for the Schattenparker ‘Wagenplatz’ ends in September. For us, the struggle for more self-contained places in the city is far from over. We want to put these issues forward during the days of action and fight for new living spaces!
We want to be active and develop solidarity practices and to support the squatting actions of the last months. We want to encourage each other and strengthen our bonds. Threatened projects like Liebig 34 or Rozbrat and many others need support – practical support. In recent years dozens of squats and social centres have been evicted all over Europe. The resistance against these evictions was very localized and often far too silent. It is time to to bring the question of organisation to the forefront again!
more info: kts-freiburg.org | diewg.noblogs.org | radar.squat.net
¹ In Germany and Switzerland common housing project, where people live in self-managed caravans and mobile homes.

Longer Version
Squatting Days Freiburg: October 18-29, 2019. Do-It-Together: squatters convention, festival and other resistances
We would like to invite you to extend the summer in Freiburg and participate in the squatting days, to celebrate the birthdays of the KTS and the InfoShop and to come together for a libertarian outlook.
Freiburg is a small town in the southern part of the black forest, where official maps draw the borders between Switzerland, Germany and France. It is a friendly region between the Rhine nuclear power plants, major economic logistic points and the armament industry of the black forest and which lends itself well to various subversive activities. Moreover, winter does not arrive as quickly as in the rest of the republic. Our squatting days want to focus on housing and gentrification issues, but we find ourselves in times where struggles and resistance can only be effective through an intersectional approach and squats represent only a part of the necessary anti-fascist, feminist and anti-capitalist struggles.
Get out!
For quite some time now, the same ugly developments have become apparent here, like everywhere else: the presence of cops and surveillance is increasing, the freed spaces are reduced or expelled. In the past months, the “die WG” (Create Living Spaces) campaign has managed to make a lot of noise around these issues of the neoliberal city and social exclusion. We want to continue this fight during the days of action.
The KTS, the local autonomous centre, is the last big self-managed space in southern Germany. Creating new spaces is becoming more and more difficult, especially in view of the current political situation. The two squatted houses in Gartenstrasse 19 (since the spring of 2010) are currently threatened with eviction, seven openings since December 2018 have been quickly evicted. Since Kommando Rhino and Sand-im-Getriebe were cleared, there are still no new “Wagenplatz” (In Germany and Switzerland common housing project, where people live in self-managed caravans and mobile homes) despite a growing need. In addition, the contract for the Schattenparker ‘Wagenplatz’ ends in September. For us, the struggle for more self-contained places in the city is far from over. We want to put these issues forward during the days of action and fight for new living spaces!
We want to be active and develop solidarity practices and to support the squatting actions of the last months. We want to encourage each other and strengthen our bonds. Threatened projects like Liebig 34 or Rozbrat and many others need support – practical support. In recent years dozens of squats and social centres have been evicted all over Europe. The resistance against these evictions was very localized and often far too silent, from Villa Amalias via the Klinika to the ADM. It is time to to bring the question of organisation to the forefront again!
From protest to resistance
We do not want to stand idly by and watch this state of growing repression. In addition to networking anarchist spaces and structures, we want to be practical, because we must develop concepts for a creative and effective resistance against the destruction of our open spaces. We invite you to make the activities as varied as possible. In times of increasing attacks from the right and the capitalist mainstream, we want to strengthen a debate about the self-defense and social relevance of our centers and places.
For us, free spaces for left-wing radical culture and politics are places where all living beings can move without discrimination on the basis of gender, skin colour, sexuality, money or other inequalities constructed by society. Because forms of oppression are commonplace in our society, it is important to create and maintain spaces in which they are not accepted, but discussed and reflected upon. They should make it possible to live out one’s own identity.The quest for such a “free space” in the midst of capitalist reality remains a utopia; it depends on everyone how successful we can and want to make the days. In any case, there will be structures for awareness and out-of-action and a setting that is as participation-friendly as possible . We want to create a self-determined freedom and a platform for dealing with different ideas, to initiate encounters, to network and to develop perspectives together.
The principle should work in such a way that in Freiburg the infrastructure for activities such as workshops, concerts, film screenings and street art, lectures and parties as well as direct actions and you can use these for your ideas. Occupations and the defense of our spaces are more than just fun for us. It is a necessary practice of resistance, which are more relevent to society the better we organise.
The Squatting-Days are not a consumer spectacle but a D.I.Y.-Festival and come to life through everyone’s initiative! Everyone is invited to take part in the organization and to contribute to making it a constructive event, So this is the invitation to all chaotic and autonomous forces to participate in the convention.
Let us know your plans and ideas at squattingfreiburg(@)riseup.net (PGP keys here) so that we can coordinate the program.
Please forward the invitation and bring yourself and your crew to Freiburg. Celebrate with us some libertarian, creative, subversive and solidarity-filled days in Freiburg!
more info: kts-freiburg.org | diewg.noblogs.org | radar.squat.net