
Agenda for the Squatting Days with all open events, skill shares, workshops, info events and more. We’ll keep adding more stuff until the beginning of the days!

If you want to add events to the program, write an (encrypted if possible) email to squattingfreiburg[at]riseup[dot]net! (PGP key)

Below the programme you can find a description on how to get to all event rooms and spaces!


Tuesday, 22.10.

1 – 2 pm KTS Autonomous action consultation hour
Your affinity group is planning a small group action, but there are still things  remaining unclear? You don’t know your way around in the city? The action consulation hour offers a space to exchange Freiburg specific infos and talk about the legal situation and possible consequences. We’re no lawyers, but we know Freiburg and will have info material. We are looking forward to you dropping by! Preparation is more than a good start.

6 – 10 pm FöCa Squat Café
Das letzte selbstverwaltete Café der Universität Freiburg lädt ein. Input zur Geschichte des FöCa, offener Austausch und einfach nur Chillen: Wieso ist das FöCa das einzige seiner Art? Wie können Freiräume an der Universität politisch gestaltet und mehr werden? Erfahrungen, Ideen, Vernetzung… Wir freuen uns besonders über Menschen aus anderen Fakultäten und nicht-universitären Kontexten. Schnuppert rein, genießt mit uns ein kühles Getränk, fläzt auf der Couch oder wärmt euch einfach nur bei einem Tee auf.

Wednesday, 23.10.

17h KTS Open plenary
Die Hälfte der Squatting-Days sind vergangen und wir wollen ein offenes Plenum einberufen um mit allen daran Beteiligten zusammen zu überlegen, wie es an welchen Ecken weiter gehen kann, wie wir mit möglicherweise schon eingetretenen Repressionen umgehen und worauf wir sonst noch so Bock haben.

Thursday, 24.10.

19h Jos Fritz Café: Finissage „Vibesbilder“ LocArtista
Letzter Abend im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Vibesbilder“ vom LocArtista Festival und gleichzeitig erstes Künstlerinnen*-Café. Zum Kennenlernen, spontanen Pläneschmieden oder Herzausschütten für alle kunstschaffenden und kunstinteressierten Frauen*.

19h Kyosk: strategies of the climate (justice) movement – a critical discussion about Extinction Rebellion
Discussion based on texts from media and political groups about XR, it’s goals, perspectives and how an anarchist perspective on it might look like.

[de] Anhang von Texten aus den verschiedensten Ecken der Medienlandschaft
wird eine Kritik an XR umrissen. Wir fragen uns, welche Tragweite diese
Bewegung tatsächlich haben kann und was XR eigentlich mit
anarchistischen Idealen zu tun hat. Kann eine zivilgesellschaftliche
Bewegung Regierungen dazu drängen, ihr Klimaziele einzuhalten? Und wie
sieht es eigentlich um die Frage um Gewalt bei Aktionen aus? Und was hat
es mit dem freundlichen Umgang mit der Polizei während Verhaftungen auf
sich? Ist XR gar elitär, regressiv, naiv?
Falls euch folgende Zitate zu vorliegenden Texten ansprechen, schaut
vorbei. Wir hoffen auf eine lebhafte Diskussion!
“Das ist eine Bewegung von Millennials, die von Wissenschaft sprechen
mögen, aber von schierem Irrationalismus getrieben sind, von Angst,
moralischem Zusammenbruch und Menschenhass. Das ist die
heruntergekommene, selbsthassende Bourgeoisie, die zusammenkommt, um
ihre eigenen psychosozialen Defizite auf die Gesellschaft insgesamt zu
projizieren.” Brendan O‘Neill
“Da gibt es Kakao-Zeremonien und Gruppen, in denen jeder seine Angst vor
der Auslöschung der Menschheit besprechen kann. Stunden der Stille
werden abgehalten, um die innere Ruhe und die Verbundenheit mit den
anderen Menschen in der Gruppe zu finden: Gleichgewicht finden für die
adrenalingeladene Revolution. Am Mittwoch gibt es in Berlin eine Stunde
Meditation für die Erde.” Ingo Arzt
“Nichts ist für einen wertkonservativen Linken schlimmer als eine neue
erfolgreiche Protestbewegung, die das eigene Deutungsmonopol zur
Weltrettung bedroht.” Mikael in den Fahrt
“Cops believe in authoritative systems and every act of disobeying their
authority might be a provocation for them. I believe that we should not
take this, if the police feels provoked or not, as a measurement to
choose which strategy we value as effective.” Anomym
“Hierarchie, Intransparenz, Gurus und esoterische Ideologie satt. Statt
kritischer Aufklärung bieten sie Inszenierungen, bei denen drei Menschen
mit Seil um den Hals am Galgen stehen, unter ihren Füßen schmelzendes
Eis. Mich erinnerte das Bild an Erhängung von Zivilist*innen durch
Wehrmacht und SD-Gruppen an der Ostfront.” Jutta Ditfurth
“The strategy of XR, with the primary tactic of being arrested, is a
valid one – but it needs to be underlined by an ongoing analysis of
privilege as well as the realityof police and state violence.” Red pepper
(as part of Zum Kuckuck! open anarchist meeting, AG Freiburg)
Afterwards: Rote Hilfe bar (left wing anti repression solidarity network bar)

Friday, 25.10.

1:30 – 3 pm KTS: Autonomous action consultation hour
Your affinity group is planning a small group action, but there are still things  remaining unclear? You don’t know your way around in the city? The action consulation hour offers a space to exchange Freiburg specific infos and talk about the legal situation and possible consequences. We’re no lawyers, but we know Freiburg and will have info material. We are looking forward to you dropping by! Preparation is more than a good start.


come at 17:39 to stühlingerkirchplatz and give all your voices to all living beings and show our solidarity and support NOW!
voices know no borders, they go beyond!!
beyond borders, nations, gender, history, space, time …  
let us all raise our voices!
21 minuten long:  “many voices creating one sound for solidarity and humanity!”

6pm Night rave demo: rave against repression and society’s shift to the right
starting at Stühlinger Kirchplatz

Saturday, 26.10.

3pm ignite! workshop: Let’s talk about gender, baby!
Short introduction to feminisms, gender and antisexism put into practice
place will be announced later
No prior knowledge needed. If you need English translation we will organize a whisper translation. If you need translation into other languages bring a friend to translate or contact us in advance.
A workshop by the ignite! workshop collective. An event organized by the anarchafeminist group unbeherrscht.

Friday, 25.10.

6pm Night rave demo: rave against repression and society’s shift to the right
starting at Stühlinger Kirchplatz

Sunday, 27.10.

tba Open plenary

Tuesday, 29.10.

End of the Squatting Days, departure

*** Where are events happening? ***

FöCa – Förstercafé, Herderbau 1.0G, Tennenbacher Straße 4

fz* – feministisches Zentrum, FLINT* room, meaning room open for all gender BUT cis-men, Grethergelände 20, 79098 Freiburg, map

G19 – squat at Gartenstraße 19, 79098 Freiburg, map

Jos Fritz Café – Wilhelmstraße 15, 79098 Freiburg, map

KTS – Kultur Treff in Selbstverwaltung, Baslerstr. 103, 79100 Freiburg map

Kyosk – aka Interym, Adlerstr. 2, 79098 Freiburg, map

Münster – Münsterplatz, church on a public square downtown, 79098 Freiburg, map

Stühlingerkirchplatz – Stühlingerkirchplatz, public square, 79106 Freiburg, map

in the past

Friday, 18.10.


15h-18h: Hangry Zine project – information and workshop

Presentation of the Hangry Zine project followed by a creative workshop
on body image and body normativity.
Because our daily life is normalized and because even though in activist
circles most norms get questioned, body norms are too rarely an issue
that we talk about, during this workshop, you are invited to express
yourself on this topic in any form – collages, poetry, texts, drawings…
In the end, you can keep what you did for yourself or share it (also
anonymously) with the other participants.
We provide materials for handicrafts, writing and drawing as well as
little impetus for writing.
A little infokiosk with zines and books will be there.
The persons giving the workshop speak German and English.

Saturday, 19.10.

7 pm legal team info workshop “what to do when things get rough?”

7 pm Can’t evict solidarity (EkiB)

This workshop will be in German but we can try to organise a whisper translation into English

As part of the solidarity campaign “You can’t evict Solidarity”, activists will give an account of the current situation and the repression against refugees in Greece and along the Balkan route. In order to do this they will give a short overview about the situation on the frequented so-called “Balkan route”, especially with regard to state repression against refugees, resistance and emancipatory projects that try to oppose state control and repression – squats play an important role here. Additionally, there will an account of and updates about lawsuits and the current anti-repression work of the group “Can’t evict Solidarity”. After this there will be space for a discussion about transnational anti-racist struggles, solidarity work and the possibilities to support such struggles.

More information can be found on the blog of the campaign at

Sunday, 20.10.

12 am Creative crafting and banner painting session
On Sunday we will design and paint banners together. Come join us and bring some material.

5 pm Open Meeting
Do you want some information about the Squatting Days? Do you want to know what‘s going on and how you can get involved? Do you want to talk to other people about your expectations and aims?

Then come on Sunday at 5pm to our first big meeting.

There will be an overview about the program and the structures during the Squatting Days. All important information about Awareness, OutofAction, EA (Legal Team), Infopoints, antirepressionstructures und the situation in Freiburg will also be presented here

If you don‘t have a place to sleep yet, here‘s also the place to arrange something.

To make the Squatting Days to reach the potential we all know it can reach, we also need your help! At the meeting you will also be able to register for shifts and bring ideas to the group about how you can contribute and suggest whatever you think is missing.

It doesn‘t matter whether you are here with a group or alone, during the meeting there will be the oppurtunity to meet other people, get to know them and form groups for the Squatting Days. There will also be time and space to share our goals and expections for the Squatting Days and talk about things that people think are important during the Squatting Days,

So come Sunday evening to our first meeting, so that we can organise Squatting Days together.

Monday, 21.10.

3 – 7 pm feminist city rally

Come discover the city by visiting us at the different stations in the
city centre and Stühlinger between 15:00 and 19:00. The meeting point is
at the first station in G19 (Gartenstr. 19). From there you can find out
the locations of the other stations. At 19:30 there will be a prize
giveaway at the KTS. We look forward to seeing you!

7:30 pm feminist city rally award ceremony

20:00 Input: RADAR.SQUAT.NET (EN)
We need our own structures – online as much as offline. A short workshop on how works as an event calender for activists and ideas for the site.

20h-21h30 Dance and Move im Fz*: Listen to Dance
„Become a radical listener of your body. Dive deeper into the layers of your physical existence Break your sensation down to a molecular level Meet your spirit beyond borders and Find your authentic expression through Voice and Movement.”
Mit Elementen aus dem zeitgenössischen Tanz und der tiefgreifenden Technik von Visualisation öffnen wir Räume, in denen wir unser Bewegungspotential in der Gruppe und alleine erforschen, unser Körperbewusstsein verfeinern und das Vertrauen in unseren Körper als tänzerische und kreative Stimme stärken. “Lets dance – and allow movement to move – you, me, all – the time!” *Grethergelände, Adlerstr. 12 Who: FLTI* Menschen (Frauen_Lesben _Trans_Inter*)

21h30 Squatting in the Netherlands
An update on the state of squatting in the netherlands